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Manage Your Day To Day - Free Download

Editor-in-Chief, 99U. A writer and the founding editor of 99U, Jocelyn K. Glei is obsessed with understanding how work gives our lives meaning. She has authored three books about work, creativity, and business, including the Amazon bestsellers Manage Your Day-to-Day and Make Your Mark. Follow her @jkglei. Follow 99U @99u May 08,  · Download day Calendar Template. Excel | Smartsheet. This time management calendar covers three months (90 days) on a single sheet, and also includes space for additional notes. A day calendar may be useful for project planning, creating a schedule for a college semester, planning your summer months, and more Jan 21,  · %download Manage Your Day-to-Day: Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus, and Sharpen Your Creative Mind (The 99U Book Series)# in jar format SUMMARY PDF FOR FREE! DOWNLOAD 3) Manage to-do list creep by limiting your to-dos to what you can fit on a

manage your day to day pdf free download

Manage your day to day pdf free download

Should you answer that email, or answer your calling? Tune into social media, or tune in to your own voice? When it comes to creative work, every decision, every day, matters.

Learn how to build a rock solid routine, manage your day to day pdf free download, find focus, sharpen your creative mind and manage your day to day life. DOWNLOAD THE MANAGE YOUR DAY TO DAY SUMMARY PDF FOR FREE! DOWNLOAD PDF Contents. Manage Your Day to Day is perfect for anyone looking for some guidance in getting back some control over their daily lives, manage your day to day pdf free download.

Learn how to build a rock solid routine, find focus and sharpen your creative mind. Manage Your Day to Day was put together by 99U, an institution focused on telling the stories of creative individuals and leaders that are shaping industries and changing careers.

With contributions from over 20 creative individuals you just know this book is full of great advice. Contributions from; Dan Ariely, Leo Babauta, Scott Belsky, Lori Deschene, Aaron Dignan, Erin Rooney Doland, Seth Godin, Todd Henry, Christian Manage your day to day pdf free download, Scott McDowell, Mark McGuinness, Cal Newport, Steven Pressfield, Gretchen Rubin, Stefan Sagmeister, Elizabeth G.

Saunders, Tony Schwartz, Tiffany Shlain, Linda Stone, and James Victore. This summary will focus each of the 4 key sections of the book; building a routine, finding focus, taming tools and sharpening your creative mind. In each section, manage your day to day pdf free download will briefly discuss the different tips from each of the twenty contributors.

McGuinness brings us the first advice in the realm of creating effective routines. This is the time to focus on work that requires deep thought and creativity. McGuinness suggests leaving work such as email and phone calls till later in the day, these require less intensive thought and focus. Rubin suggests that you establish a consistent routine throughout your day.

Rubin encourages you to establish regular intervals throughout the day, every day, that you are committed to working on your manage your day to day pdf free download or important tasks. This consistency will help you build momentum, manage your day to day pdf free download.

By working on a project every single day you ensure that everything is fresh in your mind, it helps you make progress at a good speed and helps sustain a good level of productivity.

Godin stresses the importance of creating habits within your work and routine. Godin also recommends the notion of having a trigger or something similar to signify the start of your work. putting on your lab coat or always doing your emails at the same coffee shop. Godin explains that sometimes our regular routines do not correlate well with our long-term goals. The main reason for this is fear.

Fear often triggers an unusual response within us and you might fight yourself self-sabotaging. Schwartz recommends you create a routine based on working for ninety-minutes followed by a mental break. This break will allow you to refresh and renew your energy before you dive back into work. Schwartz also emphasises the importance of ensuring you get enough sleep at night. You should prioritise the most important and often the most difficult tasks, especially at the beginning of your day.

Babauta recommends you find some time to yourself every single day. Use this time to analyse your habits and thoughts, are you being unproductive? Babauta suggests you get this done first thing in the day when nobody else is around to disrupt you. He also recommends you that you try and include meditation into your regular routine as a way to better control your mind and eliminate distractions.

Newport recommends you find time in your day to focus purely on creative thinking. You need to commit to the time by blocking it out on your calendar, consider this just as important as any client meeting. Take some time away from all distractions, sometimes this means moving to a new environment for this activity.

Use the time to be creative, focus on a certain task and see what you can come up with. We are all guilty of multitasking, trying to get more than one thing done at once, and more often than not, at least one of those tasks will suffer as a result. For activities that require conscious attention, there's only task-switching. In order to focus on a task, you need to eliminate the distractions such as noise, your phone notifications or email.

Jarrett, like many other authors, recommends that you start your day by focusing on the hardest and most important projects.

Although it may be tempting, Ariely suggests trying to ignore your email when you first arrive, get started on something more gutsy, that requires deep thought, and you can get to your email later. In order to work on these compulsions, set yourself little progress markers so you feel like your constantly making progress. Make even the smaller achievements visible, it might be in the form of a journal where you can note down each milestone.

We live in a highly distracted world, there are literally distractions everywhere. And things like social media can be incredibly tempting. Rooney Doland suggests you use these distractions in a positive light to get through the work. If you commit to working for a certain period of time on deep, focused work, reward yourself with a few minutes on social media, manage your day to day pdf free download, use it as a mental break.

Rooney Doland explains that you are able to actually strengthen your willpower which will help you ignore all of the distractions around you. Again, she agrees with previous authors and suggests getting your harder work done earlier in the day as your focus weakens as the day goes on.

How familiar is the concept of walking out of a meeting, or a lecture and jumping straight onto social media or checking your messages? Belsky recommends you allow yourself the opportunity to be present in the moment, reflect on the meeting or lecture or chat to someone about something meaningful, manage your day to day pdf free download. Dignan suggests considering what your long-term goals are, write these down somewhere visible.

Social media has become a habitual activity that we all engage in mindlessly. Deschene encourages you to be more mindful when you use your social media, identify your intention and focus on the connection between yourself and others, are the relationships authentic? If not, then why are you spending your time there. Ask yourself, who are you trying to engage with and add value to? Or am I logging on because I'm feeling lonely or bored? Distinguish between compulsive and conscious behaviours.

Shlain emphasises the importance of taking a break and unplugging regularly. As much as once a week. Turn all of your devices off and embrace the peace and quiet. Sending emails right before bed or as soon as you wake up isn't healthy. It doesn't set you up well for sleep or for your day. In most areas of our lives, we've learned how to filter and select. But in the digital sense, we're still very inexperienced.

It's time to open up to the idea of conscious computing. Evidence shows that people hold their breath for portions of time and engage in much shallower breathing than optimal causing a lack of oxygen. This can affect stress levels and other areas of our health. Stone recommends having regular intervals where you step away from the screen and engage in some deep breathing. Another great solution is stand up desks, by standing your body is freer and is encouraged to take fuller, deeper breaths.

Victore explains that this is problematic and creates a blurred line before urgent work and important work.

These days, everything appears urgent. the important and more difficult things. This results in us spending more time on other peoples goals than our own. Victore suggests that you take a look at your relationship with your phone and your laptop and identify when you are crossing the lines. There are a lot of creative people in the world who primarily focus all of their energy on creating for their clients. Most likely, you love creating whether it be art, or design or photography.

Henry encourages you to commit to a period of time each week to work on your own personal creations. This will not only allow you to have a creative outlet, totally free to do what you like but it will also provide the opportunity for you to develop your skills and work on any weaknesses.

Long term this will be beneficial for your sanity and your work. Manage your day to day pdf free download you work in a creative field your more than likely familiar with creative blocks.

They are always refine their personal approach to hijacking the brains neural pathways, developing a tool kit of tricks to spark creativity. Go for a walk outside, give yourself an opportunity for new ideas to flourish. If you are constantly focused on the task at hand there is no time for new ideas to develop. McDowell also explains that although sometimes frustrating, limitations can be extremely beneficial for both parties.

It means that you understand the project a little better and what parameters you can work within, giving you complete freedom can sometimes be too much of an overwhelm. The only way to overcome this it to accept that there is never a perfect time for anything, the ideal moment will not simply show itself.

And nothing is ever perfect, all you can do is do your best and know that you tried your hardest. McGuiness explains that we are all human and we all face a creative block from time to time. Even the best artists, song-writers and authors will face a time where they lack the creativity and drive they are used to.

Duhigg discusses habits of individuals and the habits of organisations and society, so whether you are an individual, a business owner or a leader of a community group this book will be useful for you. Duhigg examines exactly what a habit is before delving into how we can mould shape and change these habits. Productivity researcher Laura Vanderkam has combined her three mini e-books into one comprehensive guide. Through Laura's research and interviews, her book reveals how to plan your manage your day to day pdf free download, weekends and work time to be achieve greater productivity and happiness.

Other books from the contributing authors of Manage Your Day to Day are: Seth Godin, The Dip. Guidelines is my eBook that summarises the main lessons from 33 of the best-selling self-help books in one place.

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Manage your day to day pdf free download

manage your day to day pdf free download

"Manage Your Day-to-Day is an essential guidebook for navigating information overload and all the other complications and distractions of 21st century life. The lessons contained within are vital in helping us to find the time and space to successfully accomplish daily goals, while creating a Reviews: K Jan 21,  · When it comes to creative work, every decision, every day, matters. 99U brings together the insights of 20 creative experts to produce “Manage Your Day to Day”. Learn how to build a rock solid routine, find focus, sharpen your creative mind and manage your day to day life. DOWNLOAD THE MANAGE YOUR DAY TO DAY SUMMARY PDF FOR FREE! DOWNLOAD PDF Editor-in-Chief, 99U. A writer and the founding editor of 99U, Jocelyn K. Glei is obsessed with understanding how work gives our lives meaning. She has authored three books about work, creativity, and business, including the Amazon bestsellers Manage Your Day-to-Day and Make Your Mark. Follow her @jkglei. Follow 99U @99u

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